Sex Offender Registry Reporting Requirements in Texas

A conviction for a sex crime in Texas often requires the defendant to register as a sex offender in the state. This means that the convicted person must report various kinds of biographical information about themselves to the police on a regular basis so that they may appear in the online sex offender database.

Information that one may have to report can include the following:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Eye and Hair Color
  • Other aliases used
  • A recent photograph
  • Details of the convicted offense
  • Job title/status

The sex offender registry is publicly accessible, so anyone can view this information.

How Long Does Sex Offender Registration Last?

Sex offenders in Texas are required to register on a regular basis for either 10 years or life. The vast majority of sex offenders are likely to be required to register for 10 years, while those who were convicted of violent sex crimes or sex crimes involving children must register for life.

Sex offender registration begins after the convicted person’s release from prison. In other words, registration for a sex crime doesn’t run concurrently with the time spent incarcerated for the same crime.

Which Offenses Require Sex Offender Registration?

In Texas, those convicted of the following offenses are required to register as a sec offender:

  • Aggravated Sexual Assault
  • Child Pornography
  • Compelling Prostitution
  • Continuous Sexual Assault of a Child
  • Indecency by Contact
  • Indecency by Exposure
  • Indecent Exposure (if a repeat offender)
  • Online Solicitation of a Minor
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Assault of a Child
  • Sexual Performance by a Child
  • Trafficking
  • Attempt, Conspiracy, or Solicitation of these Offenses

How Do I Avoid the Sex Offender Registry?

The best way to avoid placement of the sex offender registry is to avoid a conviction for a sex crime. You should want to avoid placement on the registry because registered sex offenders often do not practically hold the same rights as other people: for example, you may find it difficult to find a job or live in certain places as a registered sex offender.

If you want to avoid this potential consequence of a conviction, Attorney Peter Barrett can help. With more than 25 years of trial court experience, he can provide the legal defense you need to mitigate your responsibility for the charges against you.

Learn more about how Attorney Peter Barrett can help by contacting him online to request an initial consultation.