Dallas Embezzlement Defense Lawyer

Embezzlement is a particular type of fraud that involves the betrayal of financial trust by one party to another through a series of transactions. Embezzlement occurs when an individual uses allocated funds in a way that is contrary to the law or different from the terms agreed upon. A common example of embezzlement is an executive who places company funds into their own bank account. If you’ve been charged with embezzlement or another financial crime, contact Barrett Crime Law right away. Our Dallas embezzlement attorney brings more than 25 years of experience to each case, and he is prepared to help you form a solid defense to your embezzlement charges no matter what your situation.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Embezzlement In Texas?

If you’re facing charges, it is important to understand the statute of limitations for embezzlement. For misdemeanor embezzlement, the state must file charges within two years from the date of the conduct. If the value of the property qualifies it as a felony charge, then the state has five years within which to charge you. It can go up to 10 years. If a public servant embezzles government property over which they had control, they face a statute of limitations of up to 10 years. Embezzlement from a financial institution carries a limitation period of seven years. A great defense to embezzlement charges is to show that you had permission to spend the funds.

How Our Experienced Defense Lawyer Can Help You

A criminal conviction can affect you for the rest of your life. Whether applying for a job, renting an apartment, or applying for a loan, a criminal record has the ability to severely hinder your future. At Barrett Crime Law, we believe that many times this is an undue burden placed on our clients. We provide legal counsel that aims to minimize and eliminate the consequences of a criminal conviction. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is perhaps the single most important step you can take when seeking to protect yourself from the harsh penalties and repercussions of a conviction. In cases of embezzlement, attorney Peter Barrett represents your interests by:

  • Uncovering relevant financial information
  • Finding weak arguments in the prosecutor’s case
  • Giving attention to every detail of your case
  • Negotiating to reach a plea bargain when possible
  • Negotiating to find an out-of-court solution when possible

When you choose us, we don’t just process you through the system in order to collect a fee as quickly as possible. We give each case the personal attention it deserves by taking the time to understand the uniqueness and complexity of every client we represent.

Get Started On Your Defense – Contact Us Right Away

Peter Barrett serves clients in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and throughout Texas. To schedule your initial consultation, call us at (214) 526-0555 or reach out online.