How to Identify Fake Job Offers

Warning Signs of Fraudulent Job Scams

If you receive an offer that seems too good to be true, that is often because it is. Receiving a fake job offer is a lot more common than you might think. Around 14 million people find themselves grappling with unemployment scams every year, according to the Better Business Bureau. In the year 2020, BBB reported that these scammers cost victims an estimated $2 billion.

Due to the aftermath of COVID-19, this type of federal fraud could become even more common. Many Americans are more desperate for jobs than ever. Plus, with the explosion of working from home in the past year, employees no longer need to see a physical office space or interact in person with an employer. For a job searcher, this takes away an additional level of security and for a scammer, this takes them one step closer to their end goal. If you are in the midst of a job application process and are not sure about its validity, keep reading to find out the most common warning signs of a fake job offer:

  • The job requires a payment.

The reason most people seek employment is so that they can be paid by their employer. This is the way it is supposed to go, and an employer should not be asking a potential employee for funds. If your potential employer is asking for money, this is a major red flag that you are dealing with a scammer.

  • The communication is unprofessional.

When you are communicating with a real company, the recruiters or managers are usually careful about spelling errors in their emails. Grammar mistakes happen to the best of us, and an occasional misspelling does not necessarily mean you are dealing with a scammer. However, if the communication seems “off,” it is probably best to look into who exactly it is coming from.

  • The job does not require experience or requires unclear experience.

If a scammer is trying to get money from as many individuals as possible, they will likely want to widen their net. This means that disqualifying certain individuals due to lack of credentials would not help them. A scammer will want to make sure as many people apply as possible, so they have the highest chance of succeeding. Plus, a scammer will likely not be familiar with the correct ways to discuss the job, so it would hurt them to be overly specific about qualifications.

  • You did not apply for the job.

Although there are instances when recruiters will reach out to potential hires who have not applied, there are also instances when scammers use this tactic to prey on their victims. If you have been contacted about a job offer that you would like to consider, be sure to thoroughly investigate the sender and verify their legitimacy.

  • The emails come from a suspicious address.

Typically, when going through the job application process for a legitimate company, there should be no doubt in your mind that the emails are coming from someone who works at that company. If you have doubt in your mind, chances are it might be for a good reason. If the emails are coming from a personal email account, errors arise when you try to respond to the email, or you are receiving lots of emails from lots of different accounts, you might not be interacting with a potential employer at all.

  • Minimal effort is required before receiving the job offer.

As you probably know, many job applications are a tedious process. A legitimate company will want to do their due diligence to make sure you are the right fit before offering the role. If you have gone through a minimal interview process and still receive what seems like an incredible job offer, it might not be credible at all.

  • You are required to provide sensitive information.

You should not need to provide information like your bank account login when you accept a new job. If you are asked to provide this, it is a sign that they will soon attempt to hack you, and you would do well to turn that job offer down and take legal action.

Just as it is important for a company to do their due diligence in hiring the right employee, it is important for a potential future employee to make sure the company is legitimate. Performing a simple background check of the company will usually bring any questions about the company to light, but if you are still uncertain about a company, criminal defense attorney Peter Barrett can help. Furthermore, we can help if you are being accused of federal fraud. We are familiar with the intricacies of these cases and can help present yours in a favorable light and fight for the best outcome possible.

If you have any question about federal fraud, feel free to call Peter Barrett at (214) 307-8667 or contact us online.
