Effects of a Texas DWI

Are you facing driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges in Dallas? If so and this is your first offense, you may not be aware of the lesser-known effects of a DWI. Sure, a DWI conviction leads to fines, jail, a license suspension and an annual fee up to $2,000 for three years to keep your driver’s license, but how else can a DWI affect you?

Since we want you to understand the full ramifications of a DWI, we are going to discuss some of the non-criminal consequences of a conviction, which include:

  • Housing: A criminal conviction can make it very difficult to rent an apartment or
    lease a home.
  • Auto insurance: A DWI conviction will cause your auto insurance premiums to skyrocket for years.
  • Athletics: Some college sports teams won’t let athletes play if they are convicted
    of a crime.
  • Job opportunities: Employers frequently run background checks. In many cases, a DWI is a “red
    flag” and it will cause a candidate to lose consideration in the
    hiring process.
  • Professional licenses: A DWI can cause a professional licensing organization to deny or revoke
    a professional license.
  • College scholarships: A DWI can be a deal breaker, leading to the denial of a college scholarship.
  • College entrance: If a student has a DWI and they apply to a college, they may be denied
    because of the criminal conviction.
  • Security clearance: A recent DWI or even an older, felony DWI can lead to a security clearance denial.
  • Immigration: While most misdemeanor DWIs won’t trigger removal proceedings, that
    doesn’t mean a DWI can’t lead to deportation. Felony DWIs and drug-related DWIs can have immigration consequences.
  • Child custody: If you’re in the middle of a divorce or a child custody battle, a
    DWI can be an issue, especially if your child was in the vehicle at the
    time of the incident.
  • Overseas travel: Some countries are against letting people with criminal convictions onto
    their soil. So, you better check with a particular country’s rules
    before you purchase airline tickets.
  • Travel to Canada: If you have a DWI, Canada probably won’t let you visit their country
    until the DWI is 10-years-old.

To learn more about the standard penalties for a Texas DWI, click here for information from the Texas Department of Transportation. If you are facing DWI charges, contact us today at (214) 307-8667!
